A Woman Noped TF Out Of A Date After Finding An Ungodly Amount Of Shampoo In A Dude’s Shower

A woman was left baffled after finding 17 (yes, seventeen!!) shampoo bottles in her date’s bathroom and I don’t blame her.

Jordan McNally discovered 17 bottles of the same Herbal Essences shampoo and body wash in her date’s house, all in varying states of use. 

The unsettling (?) discovery was made when she went to use the bathroom and I’d be crawling out of the tiny bathroom window if I was her.

McNally was left totally perplexed by the bizarre collection and considered “faking a family emergency” so she could leave. 

She shared her uneasiness online, and many commenters agreed the strange collection was a “red flag”. Thanks for that Captain Obvious.

McNally shared a video of the Herbal Essence hoarding situation to Twitter, saying: “I just got to this house and I’m in his bathroom — what the fuck is this?”

She then flipped the camera to reveal 17 pump bottles of the soap and shampoo combination, all with different amounts of product left inside. Some were full, some were almost empty and other were in between, which begs the question: why???

The bottles were assembled on some sort of wooden bench inside the shower and I can’t stop thinking about how much black mould that festy wood is probably harvesting.

“I’m about to fake a family emergency and dip,” McNally said in the vid. She captioned the TikTok, “What does this mean?” and let me know if you ever find out, babes.

The TikToker’s video has racked up more than nearly 8 million views and had many viewers (including me) scratching their heads.

“I would genuinely need to know or I would never rest,” one woman said. 

“Oh, he’s the guy from the math problems,” another wrote. 

“This feels like a true crime situation somehow,” pointed out a third.

They have their own little stool,” commented a fourth.

Some offered their guesses behind why the man was hoarding soap bottles.

“To make potions,” one person suggested. This is the only reason that would stop me from calling the police IMHO.

“His mum [is] probably an extreme coupon-er or he stocked up at a wholesale store,” explained a second. 

In a disservice to me and the rest of the TikTok community, McNally has not posted any updates as to exactly what the go was with the shampoo situation.

“Can we get an update?? Cause I cannot come to a reasonable conclusion and I need answers,” one user asked. 

“I’m invested now… I need to know why?!” someone else wrote.

“Has this guy responded yet?? I’m actually curious. I’m sure there’s a valid reason for this right?” another asked

I’m on the edge of my seat waiting for her to please post an update. I need to know WTF is going on and more importantly, did she stay the night?