What’s The Latest Viral Vid, You Ask? It’s A Guy Madly Fucking A McChicken

It’s 2016, and we’ve already run out of viral content. Viral content is officially over. Everything that is shareable has been shared, and we exist in a vast and unknowable content purgatory, doomed to wander in search of a meme oasis. 

As a result, a video of a man fucking a McChicken burger has gone viral. No, we won’t embed it. If you want to watch a video of a man furiously copulating with a Maccas burger, it’s out there, waiting for you to watch it. You, like Liam Neeson in Taken, have a special set of skills developed over many years for locating such a video. Have I watched it? Yes, I have. Unfortunately, that’s my job. Did I enjoy it? Abstractly, yes.

Now, one of the reasons the video has gone large is a quirk of Facebook‘s algorithm. There has been a lot of chatter recently about the Trending News section on the sidebar of Facebook. In the past it has been edited by actual humans, who curate the news and pick the big stories of the day for inclusion. However, Facebook has been trying to shaft that role to an algorithm, and, well…
That’s not very descriptive. You might think there’s a new kind of McChicken burger coming, but you’d be wrong. It is a trending topic about a man with an impressive donger absolutely going to town on a burger, sexually. This is the future of news. In the past, we’d rely on humans to pick out our yarns about furious burger fucking. Now, computers doing it. Truly, truly Orwellian.
One again: there’s a wildly popular video, probably seen by about a billion people now, of a man having sex with a burger. Your nan has probably seen it, and it’s Facebook’s fault. It’s 2016. Goodbye.
Source: Twitter.
Photo: American Pie.