What Is Making Headlines At Schoolies Week

Hormones, hangovers, weddings and alcopops that turn your teeth a weird colour: Schoolies Week is here again and the old saying “what happens on tour stays on tour” has never been more irrelevant!

With the rise of instant status-updates via Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, no drunken selfie goes unseen and no drunk friend goes un-shamed.  With so much first-hand information being shared by Schoolies themselves, here’s a recap of what’s been making news. A quick and easy overview for the schoolie in us all.

Despite warnings about sharing incriminating images via social media, the #schoolies hashtag on Instagram had over 27 000 uploaded snaps at last check. Mostly featuring an array of partial nudity, artfully staged photos of goon bags or a combination of both, there’s also a hell of a lot of drunken debauchery being shared that probably seems like less of a good idea after the Bacardi Breezers wear off.
Basically, a drunk dude decided to take a nap on the outside of a window ledge of the high rise apartment in which he was staying, oh only ELEVEN stories off the ground. Climbing out to get some air and subsequently passing out, the ridiculous image of Cameron Cox quickly circulated and resulted in his not only being labelled an idiot, but also being evicted from the Big Brother house his accommodation.
Sex, Drugs, Cheap Beer and Ignorance – Schoolies Completely Lose It In Bali
The spotlight isn’t just on the GC this year, judging by articles which promise to bring all of the clicks with their controversial headlines, Bali is where it’s at. Increasing numbers of school leavers are heading overseas to celebrate in a cheaper and wilder fashion, despite security warnings issued by the Government.
This one is pretty self explanatory and although the guy’s condition was apparently non-life threatening, what is Schoolies coverage without a near-death drug story?
And now, for some good news…
Apparently the thirty-nine arrests which took place over the first weekend of celebrations were among the best results the Goldie has seen in years. As always, charges ranged from drinking in public to drug possession, and surprise, surprise, toolies still remain a problem. Those bloody toolies!
Headlines via Herald Sun, news.com.au and TV NZ
Words by Nikki Brogan