WATCH: Willy-Willy Parties Hard With Fellow Gurners At Bush Doof

Ahhh, Australia. You magnificent, fearless idiots.

In other parts of the world, the arrival of a tornado is usually cause for air-raid sirens to be blasted, emergency broadcast systems activated, and for people to either take shelter or evacuate the area as quickly as they can.
Out here, the arrival of a tornado seems to be cause for people to run the gurntlet and get psycho with their windy new best m8.
At a recent Earthcore bush doof in Pyalong, Victoria – about an hour and a half north of Melbourne – proceedings were briefly interrupted by the arrival of a pretty decently-sized Willy Willy – also known as a Dust Devil.
Nearby punters, seemingly unaware that Centripetal Force is not, in fact, a shithot new producer, decided to get all up in that shit because what else is there for you to do after chewing half a dingbat, ripping an even dozen cones, and listening to the same skull-excavating beat for half a day non-stop?

Because getting sucked up into the funnel of an upwardly rotating vortex gets you high like you would not bloody believe.
Never change, Australia. Never, ever change.