WATCH: The Huge New ‘Independence Day’ Trailer Almost Gives Away Everything

Real talk: If you’re coming in here, you’re already curious as to what’s actually in the video. And if you get ejected at the end absurdly surprised about any potential spoilers, then it’s clear you haven’t seen the original film.

As much as we like to talk and rail against modern trailers that act more as sizzle reels for the plot, rather than as a deft teaser or clever marketing tool, there’s really not much about ‘Independence Day: Resurgence‘ that should come as a surprise to anyone. Aliens return to Earth. Shit gets blow’d up. We rail against them in a fight for humanity, etc etc etc. It’s as simple and obvious a story arc as you’ll ever encounter.
That said, the new trailer for the long-awaited sequel to Roland Emmerich‘s landmark-destroying, America-fuck-yeah, sci-fi disaster porn epic is an absolute behemoth.
Clocking it at a hefty 4 minutes and 45 seconds, the “extended” trailer more or less jams the previous trailers together, and stitches in some new footage as well, to produce a thing that’s not so much the trailer as more a condensed short film covering most of the film’s plot.
If you’re keen on going in absolutely blind when the film drops in June, exit this article now. But if you feel like getting jacked as shit on the prospect of Aliens vs Humans Round 2, smash that MF play button.

Independence Day: Resurgence hits cinemas on June 23rd, and I’d be happy if the whole thing was just 2 hours of Bill Pullman limping and looking worried.
Source: Uproxx.