WATCH: Kathy Griffin Is Very Sorry For Posing W/ Trump’s Decapitated Noggin

It turns out that provocative imagery can actually provoke a significant response.

Kathy Griffin has issued a full-on apology for a recent photoshoot, in which she was captured holding the fake disembodied head of US President Donald Trump, after being absolutely pilloried online.

The comedian took to her social media channels to deliver the hurried response, begging for forgiveness and calling the Tyler Shields shoot “too disturbing” and a “mistake.” 

That statement comes after she copped flak from a couple of familiar names. Donald Trump Jr. had a crack at the whole deal, saying it was “disgusting but not surprising.”

Chelsea Clinton, daughter of Bill and Hillary, also probably has a lil’ experience with people legitimately wanting her parents dead. She called it “vile and wrong.”

However, it seems most likely that Griffin’s about-face was brought about by none other than the Secret Service. Shortly after the footage went live, they went ahead and provided this lil’ subtweet commentary:

For what it’s worth, a closer inspection of the logic behind Donald Jr.’s tweet reveals that, uh, Obama was subjected to a lot of that shit. And not even as edgy art projects, either. 

Don’t hold out for Griffin-levels of backpedalling there, though.

Source: CNN.
Photo: Tyler Shields / YouTube.