WATCH: Georgia & Lee Went On ‘The Project’ & Love Might Actually Be Real?

To say that this year has been a rollercoaster for Georgia Love would be a massive understatement. Just by themselves, reality TV shows seem to have the power to completely ruin people’s lives, but she emerged not only apparently sane but also very happy with winner Lee Elliott
Tragically, however, shortly after finishing up on the show, Georgia’s mum, Belinda Lovepassed away from pancreatic cancer.
Throughout all this, though, it appeared Lee was wildly supportive, even threatening to break his confidentiality agreement with Channel 10 so that he could be with Georgia and Belinda as Belinda’s condition worsened. 
I’m still pretty spurious about whether or not love is actually real, and especially spurious about reality TV show love, but, to be honest, the two of them look just about as happy as any other couple I know that didn’t meet on a televised competition.
Georgia told ‘The Project‘ that having Lee with her has been invaluable:
“It’s been incredibly difficult but would have just been made so much more difficult if Lee hadn’t have been there.”

She says despite the time away from her mum, she doesn’t at all regret going on ‘The Bachelorette’:

“You can look back at any point of your life and say ‘Well, I was away for 2 months travelling there, or a year working there.‘, but if I hadn’t have gone on ‘The Bachelorette‘ I wouldn’t have had Lee to support me through this, but I also would have still been in Tassie, I would have actually been further away from my mum. So, you know, I don’t regret anything that happened.”
It’s pretty lovely stuff. They also go into their important work with pancreatic cancer charity Pancare, because that shit is fucked and these guys are pretty amazing – have a watch:
Source and photo: Channel 10.