WATCH: Absolutely Hectic Seas Almost Tip Over The Spirit Of Tasmania

Fair to say it was bloody windy in Victoria yesterday.
A stiff cold front cross over the state brought high winds and storms with it that battered coastal regions with winds up to, and over, 100km/h.
And whilst conditions on land were pretty bad (some 820 calls for assistance were made to the SES after the winds uprooted trees and felled power lines) out at sea they were apparently hectic as shit.
The ole’ faithful Spirit Of Tasmania bravely made a crossing of Bass Strait during the worst of it, and the sea she was a harsh mistress.
Footage captured on-board the (REALLY BIG) boat shows it lurching wildly from side-to-side.
Seriously, the video starts off reasonable enough, but gets NUTS in a big hurry.

Waters were so rough, in fact, that a truck came loose on the ship’s car deck, tilting the trailer over and damaging several nearby cars. Other cars were also pushed off their lines, sandwiching the vehicles together.

Arrrr, the sea. She giveth, and she taketh away.

Source: YouTube/Facebook.