There’s Hope Yet We Might Actually See ‘Zoolander 2’

Look, we finally got Anchorman 2 last year. And if nothing else that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that anything is possible if you just believe.

But even more persistent that Anchorman are the rumours that the much beloved Zoolander will be getting a Zoolandier new chapter. Nearing Chinese Democracy levels, the idea of a Zoolander 2 seems to crop up just as the previous round of chatter completely dies down. Though that said, this latest bout of scuttlebutt could well be the best indication yet that it’s actually, really, not-ever-close-to-fooling going to happen.
Justin Theroux, the man long rumoured to be writing the script for the sequel (and who appeared in the original as Mugatu‘s Evil DJ, and who also previously wrote Iron Man 2 and co-wrote Tropic Thunder with Ben Stiller) let slip that not only does a script for the second instalment exist, but that talks for the film appear to be ramping up to full speed.

We’ve got a script for the sequel, and we’ve just been in talks again. We’re trying to sharpen it and hone it and, actually, I don’t want to jinx anything, but it looks like it actually might be starting to get up and running.

Theroux also seems to have designs on directing it, schedule pending. Although if he can’t do it, he certainly knows someone who can:  “It really depends on whether the show gets picked up. If it gets picked up, then I don’t think I’ll have the time to do it. So it’ll probably get handed to Ben, which would be awesome.
But with all of these things, it’s best to take it all with a pretty big grain of salt. You know, don’t believe it till you see it, don’t hold your breath, and definitely don’t get too excited just yet.
Or do. It’s really up to you.
via Vulture.