The Inevitable Has Happened: Trump Has Been Made Into A Marvel Villain

Donald Trump is a lot of different things to a lot of different people. To those scared of a multicultural world, he is a saviour akin to Jesus Christ or Allah. To those who do not base their fears on the colour of someone skin and/or falsified racial stereotypes, he is a moron. 

For the latter, there’s nothing more satisfying (apart from NOT seeing him become president) than imagining Trump as the type of villain that filled the pages of the comic books we loved as kids. (Or still love now. Which is cool too.)
So, meet Donald Trump as Modok!
The OG Modok‘s name is George Tarleton, a technician who was the subject of a bunch of terrifying experiments that left him with a giant head. 
However, the villain’s new Trump-esque visage is set in an alternate world, the ‘Spider-Gwen Annual #1′, where Peter Parker’s girlfriend Gwen Stacey was the one bitten by a radioactive spider. In this alterate reality, Modok becomes M.O.D.A.A.K, a ‘Mental Organism Designed As America’s King’. 
Source: EW
Photo: Marvel via EW