Tassie’s Premier Caught Telling Opposition Leader To “Slit Your Wrists”

As a proud Tasmanian ex-pat, this particular writer often gushes with pride at the achievements and virtues of his home state, and its bountiful natural beauties, cultural marvels, and artistic acumen.

And then there’s time’s like this where you just want to beat your head against a desk and slap the stupid out of those in charge of running my island home.
Tasmanian Premier Will Hodgman is currently in the middle of his first term as the leader of the state; the first Liberal State Government that Tasmanians have seen since 1998, following a prolonged period of Labor rule.
A Liberal government in the state is something of a rarity; the working-class nature of the state’s residents and heavy influence from the forestry, fisheriesfarming, and mining industries has historically meant the state bleeds red, rather than blue.
So you’d imagine, given this exceedingly rare opportunity for his party, that Hodgman would want to maintain the utmost professionalism at all times, right?

Hodgman got caught out this morning lobbing a horrifically tasteless quip at State Opposition Leader Bryan Green.
As he resumed his seat in State Parliament after making a speech on the tourism boom that the state is currently enjoying, the Parliamentary video feed caught Hodgman suggesting that Green should “slit your wrists, mate.
It gets worse when you take into account the fact that Hodgman not four days ago released a new suicide prevention policy for his Liberal Government.
In trying to explain his comments, Hodgman typically distanced himself from personal responsibility, rather blaming the whole thing on the heat of the moment/it just being how things are/etc.

“I did make a silly comment to Bryan Green, I apologise for it. In the heat of the moment these things occur and I apologise for it.”

“The usual rough and tumble of Parliament often causes all members of the place to say things they perhaps shouldn’t.”

Yeah righto, m8.

Green accepted the non-apology offered up, but stopped short of calling for any official sanction to be placed on Hodgman, rather leaving it all up to the court of public opinion.

“In the end it’s a public judgment. I think that people within the community will be outraged that the Premier of Tasmania would say such a thing.”

These are grown-ass adults in charge of running an entire state of Australia. Oy vey.

If you, or a mate, are experiencing anxiety, depression, or suicidal thoughts, give one of these guys a buzz: Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week), Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800, or Lifeline Australia on 13 11 14.

For more information about treatments for mental health, head on over to Beyond BlueBlack Dog Institute, or Headspace.

Source: ABC News.
Photo: Graham Denholm/Getty.