Sydney Uni To Become ‘Zedtown’ In The Face Of A Looming Zombie Invasion

Sydney University has been identified as the epicentre of a zombie apocalypse – an area to be re-designated as Zedtown – that experts suggest may overrun the campus come early October. Whilst preparations are underway to adequately evacuate the premises, the Government’s budgetary cutbacks have stalled efforts, and it is believed as many as 500 people may remain trapped inside the grounds of the institution when the first wave of zombies strikes.
Whilst officials insist that efforts to evacuate those left behind are proceeding as fast as they possibly can, the recent air drops of foam-based weapons and ammunition presents a worrying sign that, whilst 500 people might initially be trapped, officials don’t anticipate that all 500 will still be there when they eventually get around to executing the evacuation.
To those trapped, the authorised advice is plain, and grim:
In all seriousness, Zedtown is an annual massively multiplayer real life zombie apocalypse simulator game, that will take place at Sydney Uni on the afternoon and evening of October 11th.
The premise of it is real simple. 500 people gather at the campus and are armed with a swathe of Nerf Guns. A hoard of actors and extras and such are dressed as zombies. Those with guns have to try and survive from the 4pm start time until “evacuation” hits at 10pm. Ammo drops and other missions occur during the allotted time, and people can either choose to team up, or go rogue.
The game is the brain child of theatre director David Harmon and one third of the comedy trio Axis of Awesome, Jordan Raskopoulos, and is in its second year.
My god, would you just look at it!

For those of you keen to join in this episode, unfortunately you’re shit out of luck as tickets sold out within five hours. HOWEVER, you should definitely keep an eye on THEIR WEBSITE for future upcoming games – the next of which is a diplomatic simulator that deals with a sudden invasion of aliens.
I mean… I just…

Title illustration by Emily Woods, originally appearing in Honi Soit.