Susan Carland Donates $1 Per Islamophobic Hate-Tweet She Gets To UNICEF

This morning, an incredibly intellectual and interesting human appeared on a morning TV show. Her name is Susan Carland, and she is a Muslim woman, a sociologist, and an academic. She also happens to be Waleed Aly‘s wife. 

She converted to Islam when she was 19 years of age, and with her husband in the spotlight, she’s getting her fair share of heat on Twitter. And by ‘fair share’, we mean ‘NOT AN OKAY SHARE AT ALL’; the hatred Carland gets sent is intense and it is foul
In an interview with Studio Ten this morning, Carland said that a Twitter user had spent his morning literally just sending her images of corpses. Because that’s something a normal, friendly, humane person would do, right?
But, Carland’s rising above it all, and is literally turning that hatred into positivity and light and wonderfulness and rainbows – because she’s fucking incredible. 
She’s donating $1 for every gross, Islamophobic hate-tweet that gets sent to her, to UNICEF. Just FYI, to break your heart: she’s already well past $1000. 
Watch her segment on this morning’s episode Studio Ten (it will warm the cockles of your lil heart, we swear):

Muslim sociologist and Australian academic Susan Carland joined us today to talk about her new Twitter campaign and dealing with hateful messages on Twitter.

Posted by Studio 10 on Sunday, 15 November 2015

OH, and another lil fact about Carland: she has the best Twitter bio we’ve possibly ever seen. 
via Studio Ten / Twitter