Sonia Kruger Backs Her Muslim Ban Stance With The ‘As A Mother’ Defense

If you say all adherents of a millennia-old religion should be flat-out banned from entering the country while on national television, you can sure as hell expect to hear some counterpoints. 
They certainly came thick and fast at Sonia Kruger, following this morning’s statement that Muslim migration to Australia should be halted. The majority of respondents, understandably, claimed her ideas are just a lil’ bit totalitarian.
If you’re one of many who have a problem with her Trump-like assertion, we’ve got some bad news. Kruger has come through with a slam-dunk counterpoint that validates her entire worldview: she’s a mother, guys.

Yes, Kruger did indeed wheel out that classic piece of rhetorical solipsism to justify the total ban of Islamic peeps into our nation. 

It’s the kind of argument that is weaned / pried away from us early on thanks to a lil’ thing called empathy, and using it to justify discriminatory action against others (including mothers!) is… well, as primal and reactionary as advocating the ban in the first place. 

Twitter users haven’t taken too kindly to this comment either, with many pissed at her assumption people who ain’t mothers don’t care about lives lost to religious extremism:

To recap: nobody wants kids to die, extremism is an important issue that needs frank discussion, but that kind of black-and-white action seems dangerously divisive.
Elsewhere, Donald Trump – a man who might just go through with that same plan – is about to officially become the Republican nominee for President of the United States. At least the majority of our isolationist thinkers host televised reality shows, far away from politics.

Wait… Shit. 

Source: Sonia Kruger / Twitter.
Photo: Brendon Thorne / Getty.