Some Punk Kids Broke Into A Radio Station And Swore Heaps Live On Air, Also Ate Chicken Nuggets

Just when you think the news cycle has gone completely stale, a little nugget of joy falls into your lap and reminds you of what a truly, magnificently ridiculous place the world really is. In the remote Western Australian region of the Kimberley, a group of legend kids broke into a community radio station late at night, managed to turn the whole thing on and begin a live broadcast, and then used their unexpected airtime to do nothing but send swears out into the good night.

The youngsters were all aged between 8 and 14, and police were only notified after a listener called in to complain. The Wangki Yupurnanupurru station in Fitzroy Crossing connects on to the house of station manager Angie Stahl, who stated that she had previously given the children lessons in community radio. The kids apparently gained access to the station via a window in the house, and locating the keys to the station once inside. Though this was not before the kids made themselves right at home by eating some chicken nuggets and dying their hair.
Just to reiterate the timeline of events here: A bunch of kids broke into a house and did nothing but eat chicken nuggets and dye their hair. They then found the keys to the adjoining radio station, went in, fired it up live, and swore a bunch into the airwaves.
Even better, the radio station and station manager are refusing to press any charges. Even despite breaking just about every broadcasting regulation there is. Instead, the kids will complete a bunch of so-called “Sorry Tasks.” Hell, the station manager has even flagged a future in broadcasting for the kids.
It’s good to see their knowledge was used correctly,” she said.
Give the kids their own show. Now. Hell, give them all the shows on that Community Radio station. Better still, move them to Sydney, give Kyle and Jackie O the boot, and just have the Breakfast Show be a bunch of legendary kids fanging down nugs and dying all their hair mad colours whilst shouting “POO BUM DICKY FART FART” into the mic on repeat.
It’ll be cheaper, and no one who listens to the station now will know the difference.