Stop What You’re Doing & Watch A Liberal Senator Orate A Twitter Shitpost In Senate Estimates

Liberal Senator Ben Small has, for some reason, recited an iconic shitpost word-for-word during Senate estimates. Yes, it includes imagery of pig manure and cartoonish heart-patterned boxer shorts.

The Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee spent the morning looking at what tweets ABC journos have liked, ostensibly as part of a probe into former Attorney-General Christian Porter‘s dropped defamation suit against the ABC. This particular tweet was written in response to The Australian‘s coverage of the case being dropped, which was somehow spun into being a win for Porter.

The tweet in question reads thusly: “I try and sue the ABC but instead my pants fall down and I try to waddle away but accidentally waddle over a balcony and land headfirst into a truck of pig manure and my legs wriggle around and everyone sees my heart-patterned boxer sorts.”

“THE AUSTRALIAN: A masterstroke.”

The footage, folks, is as glorious as it is cursed.

Here we see a Liberal Senator, inside Parliament House, wearing his suit and everything, reciting a tweet in the first person about falling into some kind of self-inflicted, Roadrunner-esque manure trap.


What did he think would happen? That nobody would notice?

Fat chance.

This wasn’t the only tweet which was scrutinised by the Senators today.

Other tweets liked by ABC journos were also pulled up, because the Australian government seems to be having an extremely normal one.

A tweet from satirical news website The Shovel also got a mention.

Who could forget this classic?

Anyway, now it’s settled. You haven’t made it on Aussie twitter until your shitposts have been read out by a Senate committee.