Pauline Hanson To Go On Q&A, Scientists Check Hell For Signs Of Freezing

It’s Australia, in the Year of our Lord 2016, and One Nation Senator elect Pauline Hanson is going on Q&A.

She dropped this bombshell news in a video posted to her Facebook page.

“You’re all going to be in shock and horror now,”
she said in the video, “because I’ve agreed to go on Q&A on the 18th of July.

“Now yes, I know what you’re thinking: ‘Pauline don’t do it, they’re so leftie, they will not report the truth, they’ll set up questions’ and all the rest of it.”

That is not what I was thinking.

“But I think that it’s important that I do, because it’s going to be with the other elected senators. It will give me an opportunity to have my say with the other senators – I know they’re all going to be having a go at me – but I think it’s very important for Australians to hear what I have to say.”

Is it?

“I just hope that the questions are not set up and biased. But like I said, you then have an opportunity to then listen to me, and listen to what the other senators have. So hopefully, it will be a well-informed program.”

So what we essentially have here is Pauline hedging her bets that any question – say, about a Royal Commission into Islam, or her plans to instal surveillance cameras in mosques and Islamic schools, or her plans to ban Halal food in the armed services or prisons, or really any question about her wildly xenophobic policies – in which she comes off badly will be a ‘set-up’.

Expect to hear “I’m not racist because Islam isn’t a race” an absolute crap load.

It’s clear that we should be trying to understand why so many people voted for One Nation – is it feeling let down by the major parties? Brewing xenophobia? Australian Trump supporters going for the best possible option? – but this is one hour of television where a solid glass of something strong is highly recommended.

Source: Facebook / Pauline Hanson.

Photo: Facebook / Pauling Hanson.