NSW Police Officially Uninvited From This Weekend’s Mardi Gras Parade

NSW Police have officially been uninvited from this year’s Mardi Gras parade, in the wake of the alleged murders of Sydney couple Jesse Baird and his boyfriend, Luke Davies by serving police officer Beau Lamarre-Condon.

Speaking to The Sydney Morning Herald, a police spokesperson confirmed that it has been uninvited at this year’s pride event.

“The NSW Police Force has been advised that the board of the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras decided to withdraw the invitation … to participate in this year’s event,” the spokesperson told the publication.

“While disappointed with this outcome, NSW Police will continue to work closely with the LGBTIQA+ community and remain committed to working with organisers to provide a safe environment for all those participating in and supporting this Saturday’s parade.”

The debate surrounding whether cops should participate and march at Mardi Gras reached new heights late last week after Lamarre-Condon was accused of killing the couple while he was on duty. Police allege Lamarre-Condon used a police-issued firearm.

The first Mardi Gras parade, in 1978, saw marchers subject to police brutality for their participation. Police officially joined the march two decades later, but the No Cops At Pride movement has long called for their invitation to be rescinded.

Earlier today, NSW Premier Chris Minns defended the NSW Police and pushed for officers to march at Mardi Gras.

“I have to say, I think police should march,” Minns told 2GB radio.

“It should be really acknowledged that there’s a lot of gay and lesbian members of the NSW police force. Traditionally, they are the group that have fought for the right to march and that has been seen in recent years as a real effort to bring the community together.”

He added that these officers shouldn’t be “held responsible” for the “serious” allegations against Lamarre-Condon.

NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb also pushed for police participation, saying it would be “a real travesty” if officers were not allowed to march.

“We have been building a bridge with the gay and lesbian community since the 78ers were mishandled by police back on the day,” she said

“We have been participating in Mardi Gras for the last 20 years and haven’t missed a year.

“I would hate to see that this is the year that we are excluded because of the actions of one person that is not gay hate related.”

Since news of NSW Police being uninvited was made public many activist organisations, such as Pride in Protest, have celebrated the news.

Lamarre-Condon handed himself into NSW Police last Friday morning, where he was then charged with two counts of murder over the disappearance of Baird and Davies.

Police are currently searching for the pair’s bodies and are still investigating the alleged movements of the officer following their deaths. Lamarre-Condon is not assisting police with their enquiries.