New Zealand Retains ‘Cutest Country’ Title With Nationwide Secret Santa

CHRISTMAS. It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and also the most nauseatingly stress-inducing at the same time.

But while there’s oh god so much to do between now and the big day, it’s nice to know that easily the most outrageously jam-packed few weeks of the year can produce cuteness on a scale that’s ordinarily hard to fathom.
Take, for example, our brothers and sisters across the ditch in New Zealand.
You already know that it’s the home of L&P, pineapple lumps, the nation’s greatest daredevil stuntman Randy Campbell and his faithful South Island mechanic m8 Spanners Watson, and the musical stylings of Dave Dobbyn.
What you might not be aware of is that NZ is also the home of an annual country-wide Secret Santa. And it is cute as a goddamned button.
The promotion started back in 2010 and has since been taken over by NZ Post, and it’s open to quite literally any New Zealander with a Twitter account.
Keen gift-givers and getters register their Twitter handles with the service, who then pairs them up with a random Secret Santee. You then pore over your new pal’s Twitter account for clues as to what they like, and then fire off a gift accordingly. NZ Post handles all the addressing and postage, which helps with the peace-of-mind for those not keen on giving out the ole’ physical address willy nilly.
Over the weekend, the 2016 NZ Secret Santa sent out their participants Secret Santa matches, and NZ Twitter has been lighting up with utterly adorable Christmas glee, present hints, revelry, and light playful online stalking ever since.


This year just shy of 2,000 people signed up for the Yuletide game, and presents are flowing in ahead of NZ Post’s December 4th deadline.
New Zealand: Quietly and very politely kicking our arses at being super nice people since the dawn of time.
Source: Mashable.