Guys, You Could Totally Be Drinking A Free Slurpee Right Now

Attention Slurpee addicts: on the count of it being the 7th day of the 11th month (also, data collection and marketing) purveyors of all the high-fructose corn syrup treats you could ever want to consume at 3:30 in the morning, 7-11, has named today 7-Eleven Day, and would like to celebrate that fact by giving people with email addresses one free cup of multicoloured sugar ice.

To claim your free Slurpee, head to the 7-Eleven Day website and fill out the form on the homepage (you’ll have to give up your email address) after which you’ll receive 1 x voucher entitling you to 1 x free 350ml Slurpee. The bad news? There’s a limit of one voucher per email address. The good news? It’s not that hard to make email addresses. 

The offer is valid from right now until the 11th of November.

Remember to pace yourself…