VIC Cops Unveil Bloke’s Attempt At Crafting Fake Rego Plates & This Is An Art Attack

I’m no criminal mastermind by any stretch of the imagination, but even I – in a pinch – could source something a little bit beyond a blank sheet of a A4 paper and a blue Sharpie if I were keen to craft a fake set of car rego plates. Unfortunately for one unlucky crim in Victoria, that’s apparently all they had at their disposal.

[jwplayer zLeKq6NP]

Police in Victoria have roasted a bloke on Facebook after he was pinged driving a car that had license plates that looked a little less like “standard issue from VicRoads,” and a little more like “bunged it together at 8pm after a few buegs.”

Cops in Werribee, in Melbourne’s outer west, stopped the offending Holden Berlina on Friday after noticing something wasn’t quite right with the plates.

Upon closer inspection, they discovered this.

While that’s, at first glance, a pretty decent freehand attempt at drawing a license plate from memory – credit where it’s due, he even got the dimensions of it right – it gets real good when you zoom zoom zoom.

I love living in Victoria. Which is, as we all know, the edgucation state.

According to an accompanying Facebook post, Wyndham Area police slapped old mate with a court summons for producing and displaying false plates, while also giving a fairly harsh assessment on old mate’s art and spelling abilities.

Come on, dudes. There’s not a scrap of colour outside the lines, and the sentence is one letter off being flawlessly crafted. 8/10 for colouring-in I can kind of abide but 2/10 for spelling? When three of the four words are spelled bang-on?

What kind of bullshit grading curve are the cops running, honestly.