Dennis Rodman Enters Rehab After Going Mental In North Korea

Actual crazy person Dennis Rodman has done what any self-respecting disgraced celebrity does and checked into a New Jersey alcohol rehabilitation centre, having returned from a fourth controversial “basketball diplomacy” tour of North Korea. Rodman buddied up to Kim Jong Un and landed himself in some hot politico-socio-idiotico water when he kind of implied that American prisoner Kenneth Bae – who is currently one year in to a fifteen year North Korean labour camp sentence for as-yet undefined “hostile acts”, in a country not exactly known for it’s impeccable human rights record – might be guilty of whatever it is Jong Un has decided he’s guilty of.

Rodman’s poor, poor agent Darren Prince released a statement today, telling the world that “Dennis Rodman came back from North Korea in pretty rough shape emotionally. The pressure that was put on him to be a combination ‘super human’ political figure and ‘fixer’ got the better of him. He is embarrassed, saddened and remorseful for the anger and hurt his words have caused.” He confirmed that Rodman had checked into rehab for a “28- or 30-day” program.

The hurtful words in question came out in an interview on CNN, in which the 52-year-old five time NBA champ and guy who no-one anywhere ever expected to be a Super Human Political Figure went all Grandpa Simpson on New Day‘s Chris Cuomo, telling the news anchor  “The one thing about politics you gotta understand… Kenneth Bae did one thing….  If you can understand what Kenneth Bae did…” before getting real fired up and continuing with “I don’t give a rat’s ass what the hell you think… You are on guy behind a mic right now… We’re the guys here doing this one thing… dafobjwogwsgsdsaddg etryjrjrregergethw.”

Rodman later apologised to Kenneth Bae‘s family, his own teammates and management, and Chris Cuomo for his outburst (blaming it on the demon drink), but then went on to sing Happy Birthday to Kim Jong Un, and play a basketball game against the North Korean team as part of the Supreme Leader’s birthday celebrations. Oh, Dennis.