Everyone Agrees: Today’s Endless Coronavirus News Has Given Us All Whiplash

Contributor: PEDESTRIAN.TV

From Tom Hanks‘ diagnosis and the NBA’s suspension to that Golden Plains confirmation and Donald Trump banning US travel to Europe, it’s been a big day for news regarding coronavirus.

And well, it’s a been a lot. We have whiplash. Our heads are sore.

As a result, punters have rightfully taken to the trusty cybersphere to shake their fists at 2020 and plead for coronavirus to calm the fuck down. Here are some the best tweets that adequately reflect the world’s stance on today’s news cycle.



The internet has always been a place to find collective solace. Today is no different. Let’s continue venting.




As the virus continues to spread, toot paper becomes scarce and self-isolation becomes an imminent reality for many workplaces, it’s easy to feel a tad overwhelmed by the pandemic. With this in mind, it’s worth reiterating that the chances of dying from the coronavirus are very low in Australia. Be mindful and sanitary, yes, but it’s also important to relax a little.

Here’s to hoping that tomorrow is slightly less eventful. At this rate, however, chances are slim.