Chris Brown Finally Cleared To Leave Philippines, Posts Celebratory Video

ICYMI, Chris Brown has been stuck in the Philippines, because he allegedly never refunded a rather large payment after he cancelled a gig in Manila at the beginning of the year.  

So, the next time he visited Manila, they basically just grounded him, until he repaid the money. Literally. Like a naughty schoolboy. 
So old mate’s been reasonably upset, stuck in fancy hotel rooms, and has spent all his time posting videos on Instagram begging Barack Obama to help him, and doing flips and shit (sadly now deleted).
But now, he’s finally got the clearance to leave. It hasn’t yet been confirmed why he’s now allowed to leave, and whether he paid back the original fraudulent payment to gain his exit out of the country. 
He celebrated by continuing his habit of having zero chill with sarcastic Instagram posts. Was it fun, Chris – was it, really?

A video posted by @chrisbrownofficial on

But regardless – Breezy is free. Go forth Breezy.