BREAKING: McDonalds Is Rolling Out All-Day Breakfast In Australia From Today

Guys, seriously. Seriously, guys. YOU GUYS. 

McDonalds Australia has officially begun the rollout to serve their breakfast menu 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 
They are beginning in Wollongong and the Illawarra from today (not including food court kiosks), then next month the Gold Coast will be the lucky fast food fans to be stuffing their faces with hashbrowns at 4:30pm, or any other time, ever
Mark Lollback, Chief Marketing Officer for McDonalds said, “We are always listening and taking on feedback from our customers and All Day Breakfast

was one that people are always asking of us. We are excited to let our customers know that

we have heard them and to announce that our Wollongong patrons will have the opportunity

to be among the first in Australia to enjoy All Day Breakfast.” THANKS MARK, YA BLOODY LEGEND. 

Just imagine… you can grab a McMuffin as an after-work snack. You could get Hotcakes for dessert at 8:00pm. But most importantly: soon, dear friends, we will not have to drunkenly set our alarms and wake up very, very hungover to travel to the Golden Arches before 10:30am. We can lazily roll out of bed sometime past midday, and receive delicious hangover-curing breakfast foods at whatever time we damn well please. 
Praise be to breakfast food, praise be to hangover cures, and praise be to McDonalds. Our country truly is richer for this gift. 
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