Allow Science To Explain Why Hot Dudes Are Also Jerks

Do you exhibit any of the following traits?

– Causing strangers to exclaim ‘damn, he fly!’ as you pass
– Rolling with animal print pants out of control
– Having passion in said pants and no fear of unleashing it
– An ability to still get served in bars while insufficiently attired
– A tendency to wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle
If so, then congratulations, you’re sexy, and in all likelihood, you know it. You’re also probably the worst. Hey, don’t look at us like that, science backs it up.
Researchers at London’s Brunel University recently completed a study, testing the age-old notion that physically fit and attractive people have “more bargaining power” in social situations, thereby coming out ahead in competitions for social status.
The study measured the bodies of 125 men and women for traditionally attractive traits. Participants then completed a personality test, assessing their attitudes to selfishness and inequality, and took part in a money-based experiment about sharing wealth.
“Our results showed that in fact we may be justified in expecting more attractive men to behave in ways that are less favourable to economic and social equality,” said Dr Michael Price, who led the study.
“The results suggest that better-looking men may be biased towards being more selfish and less egalitarian.”
A group of people were then asked to rate the attractiveness of study participants, while a second group were asked to say which from the group they thought would be the most selfish in real life. Again, they picked the hotties.
Interestingly, based on the parameters of the study, the researchers did not find a correlation between selfishness and physical traits in the women participants.
IDK, though, in spite of the apparent ‘scientific’ evidence to the contrary, would a selfish, unthinking monster really hold a goddamn puppy like this?
You decide.