What Happens Every Time “Somebody That I Used To Know” Comes On The Radio

Look, we know we promised a Somebody That I Used To Meme free zone last month but this particular entry into the burgeoning internet micro genre, That Gotye Song, is just very true for all Australia people circa 2011 and also succinctly illustrates just how pervasive this song has become in America (which was once kind of unthinkable right?) and why the falsetto vocal phrasing in the chorus just might be the greatest Jedi mind trick ever pulled in modern pop music.

All very good reasons to watch it. From US actor buddies Kyle Kaplan and Nick Braun comes this chillingly accurate depiction of what happens to me and you and everyone we know every time the omnipotent breakup jam comes on the radio, something not too dissimilar from the seven stages of grieving (shock, denial, anger, bargaining, guilt, depression and acceptance and hope) but with a little more shitty man falsetto.