Treat Yrself Right & Cop Odette’s Beaut Gang Of Youths ‘Like A Version’ Effort

Some Like a Version efforts pass by without fanfare or incident. But occasionally one crops up that flat-out demands you stop what you’re doing to give it a listen.

This one is absolutely one of the latter.

Odette brought her extraordinary voice to the halls of Triple J this morning to take on Magnolia, a cut from Gang of Youths‘ hugely acclaimed debut LP The Positions.

With naught but a piano and a string section behind her, Odette cooly knocks out what might well be one of the all-time great Like a Version efforts in the history of the segment.

The source material is undeniably great, which helps, but Odette’s spin on it takes the tune to other-worldly places.

As a great man once said, do yourselves a favour.

Now that’s how you lay down a cover version, god damn.