Kanye West Joins Twitter, Serenades Facebook HQ

A few months ago we posted a hilariously awkward video of The Temper Trap playing at Facebook HQ which we thought might have been an isolated incident but just a few days ago the man responsible for the proliferation of shutter shades, Kanye West, did the exact same thing. So maybe that’s a thing now? People are getting phone calls from Mark Zuckerberg and he’s all like “You don’t make 500 million friends without making a few high profile acts play awkward gigs for your employees”. Then a giant sack of hundred dollar bills and demographic information is handed over and we get to enjoy the videos. Yeah? Yeah.

Here we have Kanye on a table Oh Captain! My Captain! style, performing three new tracks – “Lost in the World”, “Chain Gang”, and “Mama’s Boyfriend” – completely accapella. He later took to his blog to thank all his “friends at Facebook” saying: “Many times in life I’ve had to deal with moments of doubt. And as it’s been a minute since I’ve performed any fresh material in front of an audience, this could’ve been one of those moments… but it wasn’t. Your energy was a gift so electric, so genuine, that it really helped me give my best. The energy was so inspiring I had to keep going! I just hope you got as much from me as I got from you…which was everything!

In other news involving popular social networking websites and popular rappers who know a good table when they see one, Kanye West has joined Twitter! Follow him here for hilarious updates like “I jog in Lanvin” and “Lol I spelled Silicon wrong ( I guess I was still thinking about the other type of silicone ITS A PROCESS!! : )“. Certainly worth a follow but we especially like the “Kanye tweets” that Ye’s buddy and all round funny man Aziz Ansari has predicted: “THESE SHOES I GOT ON ARE DOPE AS FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” or “Just saw a girl with huge titties at Del Taco”

Phew. Technology hey?

Title Image by Dimitrios Kambouris via Getty