‘God’s Plan’ By Drake Is Already A Meme For Totes Average Deeds

And Twitter strikes again. If you haven’t watched (and cried a lot to) ‘God’s Plan’ on Youtube yet you’re missing out on a heartwarming 5 mins and 57 seconds of Drake making about a thousand or so dreams come true at once. The original budget for the music video was around a million dollars ($996,631.90 to be completely exact) and Drake gave it all away to people who really needed it.

The music video directed by Karena Evans shows fans being surprised by Drake, fans given unlimited shopping sprees in supermarkets and centres, gifted cars, and given paid scholarships to universities…just to name a few.

There are also loads of cuddles and fair warning, you’ll probably be a little jealous in between all the crying.

Of course there have been a fair few noggins out there who have labelled the video a publicity stunt but even so it’s still a damn good deed. Anthony Fantano (The Needle Drop on Youtube) AKA the ‘Internet’s Busiest Music Nerd’ said that although it’s so obviously scripted label PR – it’s also a million dollars for people who really need it. Anthony goes on to say it’s really telling of America that it takes Drake to be the ‘good Samaritan’.

You can watch the video below:

So. Many. Tears.

Now since the music video’s release about two weeks ago, people on Twitter have turned the generous music video into a bloody meme by comparing it to average but still good events in their life. And not gonna lie, some of them are pretty damn hilarious.

Here are a handful to giggle at:


We’ve all unfortunately felt this one:

And this:



And then there are the plain silly ones like this:



And these final two ‘cos they’re on a whole other level:



Ah Twitter, you can be such a delight sometimes.