Which Contestants Talked About Pedestrian.tv While In The Big Brother House?

A few of them apparently. Rightly regarded as way too fucking boring for the Australian viewing public then banished to the abyss of blergh surrounding the cutting room floor of the all-seeing Big Brother editing suites were several unaired discussions of this here website.

At least according to an interview we conducted with Big Brother Executive Producer Alex Mavroidakis.

“I should tell you this because obviously you don’t get to see everything that goes on in the Big Brother house because there’s just not enough airtime,” Mavroidakis said. “But Michael, Stacey and Josh all read your site because I heard every single one of them talking about the Pedestrian website in different conversations with other people. So there you go.”   

There we go. Thanks for the shout out Michael, Stacey and Josh, forever our favourite BB housemates of all time for reasons completely unrelated to their knowledge of our website. They’re just good people you know?

In the coming days look out for the full interview with Mavroidakis touching on the Gen Y/X attitude divide, the shared psychology of a winner and what he looks for in a potential housemate. It’s fascinating stuff. 

In the meantime, we’ll be patting ourselves on the back in the diary room.