Website Documents People Who Say #nofilter When In Fact There Is

In a much needed bid to shame those who shame themselves through disingenuous Instagram tags which make their lives, food and selves look better than they actually are, schadenfreude inducing developers Kinda Like A Big Deal have launched a thoroughly modern website designed to name, shame and disgrace all posts on Instagram tagged #nofiter when in fact there actually is.

The veritable fountain of truth is called Filter Fakers and has outed four thousands photos and users since its inception.

“#Nofilter is one of the most popular hashtags on Instagram. Using it is a
way of telling people that you haven’t used any of Instagram’s built in
filters to enhance the photo,”
the developers explain. “But with over 40 million photos uploaded
on Instagram daily, there are obviously quite a few cheaters out there.
People that want you to think their photos just turned out that great,
completely without the help of any filters. And you had to believe them –
until now.”

Sadly, the unknowable technological alchemy employed can only detect Instagram’s built-in filters, so the act of pointing and laughing at pretentious amateur photographers through which the world just naturally looks better extends not to images shot on digital SLR cameras or edited using external image manipulation software.    

On the flip side, followers of suspected filter fakers can verify their artistic duplicity by posting questionable posts to something called the Fake Catcher.
We hope this diminishes fraudulent #nofilter claims because doing that is basically the same thing as auto-tuning your voice and then being all like hey everyone listen to how good at singing I am.

Via Gizmodo