WATCH: New ‘Game Of Thrones’ Teaser Is Short On Runtime, Big On Death

Game Of Thrones fans are entering unprecedented territory. The saga’s malevolent puppeteer/affable author George R. R. Martin has come out and said the HBO television series will officially overtake his written work as of this season, which means any sliver of content offered by the showrunners could be the first peek into the story’s future, ever. 

That means even thirty-second-long clips are worth watching. When you need your fix, you need your fix, right? 

Cersei gets it. Then again, if we understand ‘gets it’ to imply ‘dies’, the new clip leaves that option terrifyingly open for everyone. Shout-outs to Jaqen H’ghar, for once again proving to be the most enigmatic bloke in the series, and for once again reminding us that he has a literal face gallery of the dead. And it’s only going to get larger. And we all have no idea who’s next.

What a joker. 

Anyway, the new season drops next month. Froth over this morsel for the meantime:

Source and photo: YouTube.