Watch Jimmy Kimmel’s Glorious, Stomach Churning Annual Belly Flop Contest

It might be as cold as the other side of the pillow here right now, but the Northern hemisphere is basking in the glow of summer.

And with that, various summer traditions are being observed by our Seppo brethren. Barbecues. Road trips. Frisbee Fridays (it’s totally a thing, shut up).
Jimmy Kimmel has his own summer tradition – an annual Belly Flop Contest featuring pedestrians randomly plucked off the street outside his Hollywood Boulevard theatre.
It its ninth year, it remains as glorious and as ever. Ordinary people! Majestically flying through the air! Piercing the stiff water with scant regard of bodily health!
In a way, it’s beautiful.

But in another, more accurate way, it’s a glorious, wincing spectacle.