WATCH: Alison Brie Play With A Shitload Of LEGO In Playstation Game Teaser

Alison Brie + LEGO = all our nerd buttons pushed.
Annie Brie is among the all-star line-up lending their vocal pipes to Playstation‘s forthcoming LEGO Dimensions video game, along with Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Gary Oldman and Stephen Merchant, and a new teaser trailer sees her reprise the role of Unikitty.
Only this time she’s Unikitty in human-form, so we get to see Brie play with a shitload of LEGO before chucking a massive, fuck-off tanty over a missing piece (we’ve all been there, dammit).
We repeat: an entire video of Alison Brie using/abusing LEGO.
Without further ado, here it ’tis.

More interested in the game than Alison? (Who are you?) Here’s the spiel:
“When a mysterious and powerful vortex suddenly appears in various LEGO worlds, different characters from DC Comics, The Lord of the Rings and The LEGO Movie are swept away. To save their friends, LEGO Batman, LEGO Gandalf and LEGO Wyldstyle journey to locations beyond their wildest imaginations, and they soon realize that Lord Vortech is summoning villains from across different LEGO worlds to help him gain control. As his power grows, worlds mix, unexpected characters meet and all boundaries are broken. Our heroes must travel through space and time to rescue their friends before the vortexes destroy all of LEGO humanity.”
LEGO Dimensions drops on September 27, and will be avail for PlayStation4 and PlayStation3.