Uffie Pregnant?!

Are we going to be sharing this earth with a little Mr or Mrs Uffdre? Signs of what looks to be a baby belly are slowly starting to appear in Miss Uff’s middle half during her erotically hot live sets.

There is a lot of q’s still needed to be answered:

Is it a boy? Is it a girl? Has there ever been a baby born with two alpha-hipster parents? Will the baby be a hip-hopping graff artist? Or will the kid just be like one of those child-to-a-star kids who just doesn’t get blessed with hipster eccentricity and lives his life constantly wishing that his dad wasn’t always away on “business trips” and that his mum would cover up more when she was out and around his friends.

Wait did I just imply the baby is going to be a boy?

Just a little reminder: We could be wrong however, but you do realize that if we went under the banner slogan of ‘the hipster NW’ we’d totally roll with it, so the choice is yours believe what you want.