The Tsubi Car Cover -The Hipster Car Magazine

Rather then competing with myself to see how many Uffie features I can write in one day, I’m going to push this post in a more mag less Uff’ direction.

Intersection Magazine is a hipster car mag, as much as it sounds paradoxical, it is true. Upon browsing their code you will realize why we’re blogging them and why you should probably buy it, read it and maybe even subscribe to it.

The latest offering has our main man Andre and his baby Uff’ sprawled all over the front page which is pretty dope. But what is even doper is the fact that in the previous issue they commissioned six fashion designers to unveil this season’s collection of couture car covers, of which they got Tsubi/Ksubi in on the ride to represent Sydney.

“When we approach design our reaction is to insubordinate or subvert a product’s normal function. We found the idea of a mammoth black box that hovered two inches off the road whilst humming and blinking a tiny red light at you, exciting. We are amused by the absurd minimalism of the idea and also by how obnoxious and powerful the simple form could be. I might add that it would also be great as a deterrent for would be thieves.” Ksubi 2008

Pedestrian <3’s Intersection.