Marie Kondo’s Brand New Show Drops On Netflix This Month, So Consider My Joy Sparked

Marie Kondo

Holy shit, do I need more Marie Kondo in my life right now. And that’s exactly what Netflix has given us in the form of a brand new three-part series. She’s back, friends. She’s back. 

Marie Kondo, a heaps successful tidying expert, exploded into the mainstream when her first Netflix series, Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, went boonta in 2019. For months, all of us swanned around town asking each other if this or that “sparked joy”, a reference to Kondo’s KonMari Method.

The tidying method encourages people to declutter by looking at items that speak to your heart – that spark joy – rather than sorting through things by whether or not they belong in the donation pile.

If an old pair of jeans, for example, no longer sparked joy, then that was a sign it was time to let go.

While the new three-part series will connect Kondo with people who need her help again, things are a little different this time around. Instead of just home visits, Kondo will show fans how the fundamentals of her method can affect our businesses, relationships, and communities.

But wait, there’s more.

The series will also welcome viewers into Kondo’s own home, where we’ll meet her family and see how the one and only sparks joy in her own daily life.

It sounds like a wholesome balm for my heart and I can’t wait to add it to my rotation of comfort shows, once it comes out.

Oh, and guess what it’s called!

Sparking Joy with Marie Kondo, of course. The series premieres 5pm, August 31 on Netflix Australia.

(By the way, the trailer already looks so emotional – I’m going to cry my eyes out.)

I don’t know what it is about Marie Kondo, but she has the most calming effect on me.

While we wait for August 31 to come around, all eight episodes of Tidying Up with Marie Kondo are streaming now on Netflix. I can’t believe that came out two years ago – it feels like it’s been approximately 84 years since Kondo first sparked joy in my heart.