No One Can Handle Porgs, The Tiny Flying Seals From ‘The Last Jedi’

Obviously, the new Star Wars: The Last Jedi trailer that dropped today was going to stir up some solid internet conversation. But while there’s plenty to talk about, there’s only one scene that will warm even the coldest, deadest heart.

The scene involving this porg.

In case you’re not across, porgs are a species, not a specific character. This was new information to me, so there you go.

They’re a new creature that’s native to the islands of Ahch-To. Lucasfilm Story Group’s Pablo Hidalgo had this to say about the little cutie patooties on the Star Wars site.

They build nests. They can fly. Their babies are called porglets.”

One featured in the trailer and it’s literally all anyone wants to talk about – well aside from when Leia (sob) showed up. Or, you know, a combination of the two.

The trailer porg is now spawning memes, because this is 2017 and that is what we do with cute and/or funny things.

One thing’s for sure – a shitload of porg toys and other porg-related paraphernalia will absolutely be sold leading up to The Last Jedi. And god help me if they make a Furby version, I’ll push over small children to get one for myself.

UPDATE: Guys there is already a Furby-like Porg toy. Christmas came early.