Pete Evans Is Still Flogging His “Harmful” Paleo Baby Formula

The more shit that health experts and dietitians rip on Pete Evans, the stronger he gets – case in point, he appeared on yesterday’s edition of Sunday Night, where he continued to defend the bone broth baby formula that has been slammed as potentially lethal for infants.
Earlier this year, publishers Pan McMillan pulled the print version of Bubba Yum Yum: The Paleo Way For Babies, Mums And Toddlers over concerns about the safety of the formula, which allegedly contains more than 10 times the safe amount of vitamin A for babies.
Evans and his co-authors pushed on with a digital version of the book, and overnight, he said that there will be a print version of it available by the end of the year, although he didn’t say who will be publishing it. 
“The delay was our publisher got nervous,” Evans said, when Mike Willesee asked about the delay. “They were nervous at how the big retailers would respond to negative publicity.”
“This recipe has been in print, in publication, for over 20 years, in America, in a book called Nourishing Traditions. We even halved the amount of liver in the original recipe. “
“This book has been …I think it’s sold a million copies and never once was there any issue with it. There’s no recorded case of harm from that one recipe.”
The World Health Organisation recommend that babies be breast fed for the first six months of life, and say that they only safe alternative is commercially-produced formula.