Model Suki Waterhouse Cast in ‘Divergent’ Sequel

Model Suki Waterhouse, girlfriend of chill-dude-who-straight-up-does-not-give-a-fuck Bradley Cooper, has decided to give big screen acting a try. The 22-year-old, who already has a few small acting roles to her credit, will appear in the next installment of the dystopian YA series Divergent, playing the role of Marlene.

Divergent, a movie you probably saw even though you’re a grown-up, is based on a series of books about a group of future kids defying authority and rebelling against the dumb adults who try and put them in boxes.

Fans of the original novels were in an uproar when the character of Uriah either didn’t appear or appeared too briefly in the first film, but he is all set to play a part in the next one, alongside Marlene, his girlfriend.

Weirdly-hot-yet-probably-a-bit-douchey guy Miles Teller, magical forest nymph Shailene Woodley, and the stalwart Kate Winslet all co-star in Insurgent, which is due for release in 2015. 

Much like the first, it will probably scratch a similar itch to the Hunger Games films, while being nowhere near as good.
via Vulture
Photo: Anthony Harvey via Getty Images