Here Are 11 Fire-Hot Bombshells Meghan And Harry Dropped In Their Tell-All Oprah Interview

Harry Meghan Oprah Interview Bombshells

The absolutely massive interview between Meghan Markle, Prince Harry and Oprah Winfrey airs in Australia tonight, and boy is it spicy. Bombshell after bombshell was dropped by the duo as they opened up about their 2020 decision to step down as senior royals, and spilt some tea about the entire royal family.

This may just be the biggest interview of the year (I’m calling it now), and even folks who aren’t invested in the royal family will be absolutely shocked by some of the things Meghan and Harry had to say.

Why is everyone quoting Meghan’s “the reverse happened” as the next “actually no, that’s not the truth Ellen?” What is it about the couple’s Santa Barbara chicken coop that made the world shed a tear of joy? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered, and are about to explore the fieriest confessions made during the interview.

Obviously, if you haven’t yet seen it, we are about to divulge some major spoilers. But honestly, they may make you want to watch it even more.

1. Meghan’s Racism Allegations

One of the most shocking revelations from the interview is that members of the royal family allegedly had conversations with Meghan and Harry over how “dark” the skin of Archie would be before his birth.

“In those months when I was pregnant all around the same time, we had in tandem the conversation he wouldn’t be given security, wouldn’t be given a title and also concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he’s born,” Meghan said.

Oprah was noticeably shocked, and had the exact same reaction as me when I first heard Meghan say these words. So wild, and so extremely racist.

“What?” asked Oprah, after a short pause.

“And who is having that conversation with you?”

Meghan refused to name names, stating that “it would be very damaging to them.”

Oprah also asked if the concern from royal family members was that Archie may be “too brown,” to which Meghan answered: “If that is the assumption you are making, that is a pretty safe one.”

2. Harry and Meghan’s Secret Wedding

Yep, another huge revelation and we’re only on number two.

Harry and Meghan were wed three days before their ‘spectacle’ wedding in their backyard, with just them and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby.

“Nobody knows that,” Meghan said. “We called the archbishop and we just said, ‘Look ― this thing, this spectacle is for the world.”

You can read more about this bombshell revelation here.

3. Harry Is Financially Cut Off

As of mid-2020, Harry has been financially cut off from the royal family. It’s something we kinda knew, but hearing it from his mouth just hit so much harder.

According to him, he only has the money that his mother, Diana, left for him.

“I have got what my mum left me,” he said. “I think my mum saw it coming. And I felt my Mum’s presence through this process.” OOFT.

And no, the couple was not paid for this interview, so don’t get to thinking that they did all this for money.

4. Meghan And Her Best Friend Google

In the interview, Meghan admits to never really googling Prince Harry or the royal family when they started dating.

“I didn’t think I needed to Google the royals,” she said.

Meghan also admitted that prior to her wedding, she was taught absolutely nothing about how to behave, how to act or how to “be royal”. She even went as far as admitting that she had to google the national anthem herself, because nobody thought to teach it to her.

I guess the whole experience really is nothing like the movies. Princess Diaries be damned.

5. Harry’s Confession Of Being “Trapped”

Later in the interview, Harry confesses to feeling trapped within the royal family.

“Trapped within the system, like the rest of my family are. My father, my brother, they are trapped,” he says.

He also admits that without Meghan, he would not have even realised it, and credits her for helping him free himself from the institution.

6. Prince Charles Was Not Answering Harry’s Calls

Harry admits to Oprah that Prince Charles allegedly just stopped taking his calls after Harry’s split from the royal family. According to Harry, this completely isolated him from his father.

“By that point, I took matters into my own hands, it was like, I needed to do this for my family. This is not a surprise to anybody. It’s really sad that it’s got to this point, but I’ve got to do something for my own mental health, my wife’s and for Archie’s as well,” he said in regards to his father not answering him.

However, Harry says that Charles has resumed contact with him recently, and that even though “there’s a lot of hurt that’s happened,” things are starting to mend between them.

7. Meghan Is Expecting A Baby Girl

In one of the more joyful revelations of the interview, Meghan disclosed that she is in fact pregnant with a baby girl.

“To have a boy and then a girl what more can you ask for, we have our family,” Harry said.

The couple also revealed that they will not be having any more children after two.

“Two is it,” said Harry.

Finally, some good news.

8. Some Tea About The Queen

Both Meghan and Harry agreed throughout the interview that the Queen is quite lovely, and has never really been a problem for either of them.

Meghan even recalled sharing a blanket with the Queen on a train ride, after receiving a set of pearl earrings and a necklace from her.

So yeah, for like a few minutes, let’s stan the Queen.

9. Meghan’s Admission Of Suicidal Thoughts

In the interview, Meghan recounts her struggle with suicidal thoughts, and how Harry and helped her through the time, after she confessed this to him just moments before an event at the Royal Albert Hall, scared to be alone.

“I just didn’t want to be alive any more. And that was a very clear and real and frightening constant thought.
And I remember how he [Harry] just cradled me,” Meghan said.

She also recalls how she asked the palace for some help, but was denied her request.

“They said, my heart goes out to you because I see how bad it is, but there’s nothing we can do to protect you because
you’re not a paid employee of the institution.”

Absolutely wild.

10. “The Reverse Happened”

Oprah asked Meghan about a tabloid story that circulated a few months after Meghan’s wedding that claimed she made Kate Middleton cry.

In response to this, Meghan said “the reverse happened,” and it was one of the most gripping parts of the interview.

“A few days before the wedding she [Kate] was upset about something, pertaining to – yes the issue was correct –
about the flower girl dresses, and it made me cry. And it really hurt my feelings,” Meghan said.

It’s wild to think that Kate would make Meghan cry on her wedding day, but it seems that’s what went down.

11. The Rescue Chickens

One of the sweeter revelations of the interview was the fact that Meghan and Harry keep factory-rescued chickens on their Santa Barbara property.

And the best part? The fact that the chicken coop is called ‘Archie’s Chick Inn.” Get it? Chick-Inn? God, I’m obsessed with this.

Oprah With Meghan And Harry: A CBS Primetime Special (yes, that’s the full name of the interview), will be airing on Monday night at 7.30 pm on Channel Ten.

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