Lindsay Deserves A Gold Logie For Pretending To Know Any Oz Celebrities On ‘Masked Singer’

lindsay lohan the masked singer

The season premiere of Australia’s Masked Singer is done and dusted, and… well… it was… um… certainly something, that’s for sure – I’m still quite shell-shocked from the entire experience to be honest. While the costumes definitely made me rather hot under the collar during promo, the characters’ voices that were dubbed over the singers throughout the episode left me with permanent nightmares.

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As always, Twitter most definitely had something to say, so let’s get that out of the way before we talk about the show’s saving grace, Ms Lindsay Lohan…


We are simply undeserving of such a knowledgable, cultured queen.

We knew that it’d be a huge ask to expect Lindsay to be familiar with any Australian celebrities, but she gave it a red-hot crack. And that’s not even meaning to be shady… Like, I’m really in admiration of my girl out here pretending to know these people.

The internet unanimously agrees that this is some of LiLo’s finest acting work to date.

Lindsay pretending to know Gretel is me bumping into a guy I supposedly met at the clubs at 5AM the Saturday prior – there’s simply never going to be any recollection there but we don’t want them to feel bad because we’re super nice and accomodating like that. Love that for us.

I’m definitely going to be tuning in for the rest of the season, but primarily because I want to see the various ways queen Lohan politely lies her way out of knowing anyone on the show ever. And you bet she’ll do it. She’s amazing like that.