Malala Deadass Deserves An Oscar For Her Response To Jimmy Kimmel’s Gross Harry Styles Question

Nobel Peace Prize winner and activist Malala Yousafzai is being applauded for the way she handled Jimmy Kimmel‘s terrible gag that mentioned the Harry Styles and Chris Pine #SpitGate at this year’s Oscars.

Malala Yousafzai — who has done amazing work for women’s and human rights, and education activism — was in attendance of the 2023 Oscars as her film Stranger At The Gate was in the running to win Best Documentary Short Film.

During the awards ceremony, Jimmy approached the activist with a question from a “fan” — that was obviously fake for a shits n gigs — that asked: “As the youngest Nobel Prize winner in history I was wondering, do you think Harry Styles spit on Chris Pine?”

In a classy, swift response, Malala said, “I only talk about peace.”


ICYMI: There was a rumour suggesting that Harry Styles had spit on Chris Pine during the Venice Film Festival at the Don’t Worry Darling premiere late last year, but the #SpitGate has since been debunked by both celebs.

Jimmy quickly responded to Malala saying: “You know what? That’s why you’re Malala and nobody else is.”

Fans took to Twitter to roast Jimmy’s failed gag.

One user, who retweeted Jimmy’s gag, wrote: “This man is so painfully unfunny and pathetic he stoops to being rude to Malala Yousafzai of all people for some cheap, uncomfortable laughs.”

Another user implied that Malala was basically telling Jimmy to “go fuck himself.”

Other users have praised Malala for her quick response to Jimmy’s gag.

And as much as it grinds my gears to watch that whole interaction between Jimmy and Malala, the activist reshared the gag on her personal Twitter, writing, “Treat people with kindness.”

It is also quite telling that she tweeted this DURING the ceremony and not after.

Many people showed their support for the Nobel Peace Prize winner under her reshared tweet.

One user wrote: “You deserved better. That was shameful behaviour and you handled it with dignity and class,” under Malala’s retweet.

And to make things every more gross for Jimmy, right after Malala responded to the question about #SpitGate, he jokingly said, “That’s a great answer Malala… The winner is Malalaland everybody.”

Things got even worse as the gag went on. At one point Jimmy had to shoo Cocaine Bear away from Malala.