Hate To Say It, But Kim K & Sharon Strzelecki Didn’t Film Their Uber Eats Ad Together

Safe to say, the internet bloody shat itself – and never fully recovered – after Uber Eats dropped their latest campaign featuring the unlikely duo of Magda Szubanski (AKA Sharon Strzelecki) and Kim Kardashian-West. Many, including myself, began fantasising about the duo interacting, being great pals and ultimately releasing a spin-off together.

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Well, cue the violins, because it’s now come to light that Magda and Kim didn’t even film together.

“I spoke to [Kim] on the phone because unfortunately the schedules didn’t align,” Madga told PEDESTRIAN.TV. “Sharon has a lot going on with her touch footy and netball and coaching little league.”

Although they didn’t film together (big tears), they did grace the same set… so I guess something, right? Magda explains: “Unfortunately Sharon wasn’t able to accommodate Kim on that day but they did film in the same room, just not at the same time.”

“Sharon is a very busy woman, but I think she’s taken Kim off on a netball camp somewhere in rural Victoria. I just hope Sharon is keeping an eye on the fires in the area because that would be very unfortunate wouldn’t it and something Sharon is entirely capable of doing.”

To check our full interview with queen Magda – it’s noice, it’s usual, it’s different, if I do say so myself – click HERE.

Now, let’s sit back and enjoy this masterpiece once more, shall we?
