We Finally Know Why Human Turd Shannon Looked… Different On MAFS This Week

Contributor: PEDESTRIAN.TV

Forgive me but Married At First Sight‘s Shannon Adams looked very different this week. We were all thinking it — I know, I know, but I said it — and now we’ve got some intel into what was actually going on. Turns out this isn’t specifically a result of being in love with your ex:

shannon Mafs
ain’t love grand

MAFS bride Janelle Han sat down on our We’ve Done The MAFS podcast this week and said that our 2023 villain Shannon spent too long in the solarium. Um, what?

We’ve Done The MAFS’ podcast co-host Chantelle Schmidt commended Janelle for her fire one-liner at the dinner party this week when she said, “He’s just as shady as his fucking fake tan”. The beauty influencer took the opportunity to explain her comment.

“That man’s tan, though. Honestly. Can we talk about that?” Janelle replied, to which co-host Jules Rangiheuea asked if it was a “real” tan.

“I don’t know if I’m allowed to say this,” Janelle laughed. “I had heard that he was in a solarium for half an hour… that’s long. Apparently you’re not meant to be in there for that long.”

He shouldn’t have been in a solarium at all to be honest. It became illegal to use commercial solariums in January 2015 so it begs a lot of questions — even more than we already have about his cousin, second cousin and general way of existing.

mafs australia mafs recap mafs 2023

“It was real technically, but not,” Janelle continued. “But it was so patchy, the tan. You could just see the tan was not even on his face and I was like, ‘Bro, stop. It’s ageing you.’”

I am going to sit here quietly.

“Maybe I should give him a few recommendations,” the MAFS bride laughed. “It’s even worse in person — it was giving oompa loompa.”


Old mate wasn’t quite himself this week and now Janelle has told us why. Catch up on the We’ve Done The MAFS podcast on Spotify. #ptv #wevedonethemafs #janellehan #mafs #shannonadams #mafsaustralia #marriedatfirstsight

♬ original sound – PEDESTRIAN.TV

Now I know what you’re thinking because I see it in the comments sections all the time: we wouldn’t criticise the appearance of a woman, so why are we doing it to a man?

Here’s the thing — Shannon has been criticising the appearance of his MAFS wife Caitlin McConville since basically their honeymoon.

In fact, Shannon blamed Caitlin’s looks for not being over his ex, saying that if she were more attractive that he would’ve been able to move on from the mother of his child. This isn’t about retaliating, but it’s about not giving someone special treatment who can’t give basic common decency to someone else.

Plus, even though most of Australia has taken issue with Shannon right now (did you know he’s one of the many MAFS actors?), I was genuinely worried about the bloke. I’m relieved to find out it’s just a shitty tan. But he might want to book that skin check.

Stupidly obsessed with MAFS? Hey, no judgement here. Why not follow our brand new podcast We’ve Done The MAFS HERE.