Kyle And Jackie O’s Prince Harry Stunt May Officially Be Rock Bottom

The fact that you saw Kyle and Jackie O‘s names in the headline and you’ve clicked this far anyway means you’re probably prepared for the worst, but take the sentiment expressed in the below gif, multiply it by about 100, and you’ll probably just barely be in the ballpark.
It’s a matter of public record that, some time ago, Jackie O pooped her pants. We did not need to know this fact, but we now do, because Kyle secretly recorded her confessing it, and for reasons known only to himself, broadcast it on the radio.  
“A proper poo, like a big log, went down my jeans,” she said at the time. “I had to take off my jeans on the street and I thought, ‘I’m not going to get back in the car with all of this squished in my pants,’ so I dumped it on the cul-de-sac.”
It’s that kind of stirring, heartfelt stuff that gives our young and free nation a reason to truly rejoice, no?
Kyle has since shared this story with many of the pair’s celebrity guests, so last week, when Prince Harry was in town, he went ahead and sent a Kiis FM intern to the Opera House to meet the ginger royal.
Then this happened: 
Harry, to his credit, was pretty mortified. “That’s not funny at all!” he said. Jackie O’s reaction can be seen above. Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived at peak Kyle and Jackie O, and simultaneously at the bottom of the barrel. 
If anything, this is a massive win for those in favour of becoming a republic, as we may soon be receiving a stern letter from Harry’s nanna, asking us to kindly leave the commonwealth and not let the door hit our colonial behinds on the way out. 
‘Straya 🙁
via News Limited
Photo: Sergio Dionisio via Getty Images