A 2014 Gossip Post Hinted Kris Jenner Planned The Kardashian Pregnancy Trifecta

Kim, Khloe and Kylie being pregnant at the same time seems so beyond normal that it had to have been purely coincidental, right? Surely Kris Jenner – although a mastermind – didn’t co-ordinate her daughters for ratings?

Well, if we read these Blind Gossip articles as being about the Kardashians, that’s exactly what she’s done.

FYI, Blind Gossip is essentially a site for nameless celebrity tea. They’ll never name the celebrities they’re talking about, but you can usually read between the lines/put the pieces together to work it out.

In 2014, they posted this tasty morsel:

In the never-ending quest for ratings and attention, this TV maven is trying to get the cast on this show excited about a new story line:Three of the women on the show… all pregnant… at the same time!

No, it does not matter what the fathers of those potential babies think. What matters is the attention these three women would get! Just think of the photo ops! The daily gossip updates! The reality show ratings! The endorsements!

One has agreed, but they still needs two more to join her. It doesn’t matter which two. If they can reproduce, they are eligible to be part of this story line.

Sounds… familiar, no?

It gets better.

In September last year, this post went out:

We told you a couple of years ago that this mother’s dream publicity scenario was to have three pregnancies at once in her family. She just could not get three of her kids to do this at the same time! The fact that not a single member of the family is happily married does not matter to her. She NEVER gave up on this story line, and has been pushing for it ever since.

She’s now got two. We’re waiting for that third shoe to drop!


While it’s all just speculation – we’ll never know if they had an in, let alone if any of this is legit – it certainly makes you wonder.

Also honestly? If Kris Jenner came up with this idea and actually made it happen… well, she’s the genius of our generation, frankly.