Inevitable Oprah Autotune Meme, Strangely Compelling

Well this was inevitable wasn’t it, internet? Of course it was. When you consider the impassioned (read: mentally unstable) audience reaction to Oprah’s forthcoming jaunt Down Under and the internet’s penchant for plying autotune to already-hilarious meme status Youtube videos, the existence of an Oprah Winfrey autotune clip is not surprising in the slightest. What is surprising though, is the clip’s weird ability to convey the unbridled elation of a mild mannered Oprah audience member who just found out they won a free trip to Australia. Or Auuuussstttrraaallliiia as it were. Wait for the drop which is flat out gorgeous in a confetti and catharsis kinda way and almost enough to make me consider listening to this recreationally. Have at it below…

Via Buzz Feed