Hugh Jackman Does “Wolverine: The Musical”

Last time we check in on the Australian triple threat we now know as Huge Jacked Man he was being eaten alive by a mullet and looked like the bogan from hell in South African director Neill Blomkamp’s new film Chappie

Which is to say the opposite of what he looked like on Saturday. Here he is performing a song called “Wolverine: The Musical” which is not so much about the X-Men stud he mainlined steak and creatine to resemble and more about his existential crisis as an actor (Am I a superhero with some claws?/Or just an actor searching for applause?/Wolverine has all the fans/But what about me Hugh Jackman?) and his supreme fitness regime (I’m at the gym doing weights each day/Hugh has got to look buff, they say) to the tune of Les Misérables “Who Am I?” for BBC 1’s The Matt Edmondson Show. 
He doesn’t quite hit the big note at the end…but then again none of us have a Tony award so who are we to judge?